obesity and type 2 diabetes

Women should lift weights


Yes honestly, at whatever age, women should lift weights.  The importance of exercise in our lives can't be stressed enough and it shouldn’t be a chore.  There is a strong likelihood that when you find a form of exercise you enjoy you will fall in love with the feeling of exercise and the benefits that [...]

Women should lift weights 2019-10-20T15:48:32+00:00

What should you eat to lose weight?


It’s the $64 million question isn’t it?  What to eat to lose weight? It’s a question i’m often asked so I’m going to shed a bit of light on the subject. What should you eat to lose weight? Should you reduce your carbohydrate intake, cut out fat, start taking diet supplements to ‘burn fat’ because [...]

What should you eat to lose weight? 2019-10-06T14:20:02+00:00

Fat shaming is bullying


The debate around fat shaming has been rife in the media over the last few weeks.  The bottom line is fat shaming is bullying and it is never okay in any circumstance. It has saddened me to hear some of the stories that have been in the media recently directed towards people who are overweight [...]

Fat shaming is bullying 2019-09-29T13:23:43+00:00

Type 2 diabetes – Can making better lifestyle choices decrease your risk?


Type 2 diabetes is one of the biggest health challenges facing the world today.  The number of people living with diabetes in the UK has more than doubled in the last 20 years.  The current figures from Diabetes UK as of February this year state that 4.7 million people in the UK now have diabetes [...]

Type 2 diabetes – Can making better lifestyle choices decrease your risk? 2019-09-22T14:51:41+00:00

My menopausal journey – the power of food **


I’ve been thinking about sharing my menopausal journey as a blog for a number of weeks now.  As  women, the simple fact is, there is absolutely no escaping it and by sharing my journey I may be able to help someone. I’ll be honest, I had little idea about the menopause apart from the fact [...]

My menopausal journey – the power of food ** 2019-08-26T10:29:44+00:00